Nightmares & Dreams

Do you ever wake up wondering what in the hell is going on in your head? I do. On this page, I will share my nightmares and dreams. I will also attempt to get to the root of those. Hold on, because it is going to be a bumpy ride.


A Childish Argument

I had this dream come to me last night. The dream had three main characters, two girls and the youngest a boy. In the dream there were a lot of children running around in the spring sun. The weather was perfect with a slight breeze. Small patches of white clouds speckled the bright blue sky. The fragrance of young flowers and grass danced upon the air. The echoes of children laughing rang through every ear. The barren trees of winter were filled with bright green buds.

A childish argument breaks out between the boy and the youngest girl. The girl tells the boy, “I love you and I do not want to fight with you.”

The boy yells, “I don’t like you! You are invisible to me, and I am invisible to you!” just like that, the little boy disappears. The girl knows that he is still there, but she cannot see him, nor hear him.

The girl goes on about her business. She begins to work on a go-cart for all of the children to ride. Upon completion, the oldest girl hops on and starts the engine. Their father approaches. He says, “Great job. I see you two have gotten finished.”

The oldest replies, “Yeah, I have been working on it all day, but she only helped with the finishing touches.” She knowingly made it seem as if she had been working hard all day even though she had not arrived until after completion.

“Well you did a great job then,” the father said as he hugged the older of the two. He turned to the youngest. Sarcastically, he said, “It was nice of you to finally decide she may need help.” He made sure to stress the “finally” bringing a tear to the young girl’s

The girl walks on and holds her head up high regardless of how she feels. She notices her sister running ahead of her whispering in all the other children’s ears. The young girl does not make anything of it as she walks on. She is oblivious to what is going on around her. The girl starts to hear chuckling as she walks by the other children. She approaches her supposedly good friends. When she begins to speak to them, they quickly turn their backs to her. She is left with no friends and a lack of trust from her family members.

She meets a boy that does not believe what the others are saying about her. He can actually see the real girl that is hiding deep down inside. Their faces glow with smiles. All of the laughing and whispering is drowned out. The boy’s hand lightly brushes the hair from the girl’s cheeks. Hand in hand, the couple turns around and runs away.

This one is fairly easy to determine the root. This is pretty much how most of my life has been. Granted, my family and I get along very well now, but there was a time when there was so much turmoil that I am still very insecure.



Dream: Damien and Khilla are playing. Missy yells and she has a small baby. There is s a man with Missy that is not her husband. There is a broken down car with parts strung everywhere. I am with Sheree at a football game. There is a flash of a drum major at the game. The stadium is in a great big store with a play place. I am with Stacey shopping. I am wearing a cut up fringy top. We are looking at 80s clothing. I see a t-shirt that has brat written on it. Suddenly there is a bunch of motorcycles. I end up getting caught in a lie. I told someone that I did not like football.

Analysis: So, a dream that people are playing means that there is a tendency to go against the norm and break the rules of convention. Well, anyone that really knows me knows that I have a tendency to be a tad abnormal, or as Igor says on Young Frankenstein “Abby Normal.” Just call me Abby then!

To see Missy in my dream relates to the fact that I have rejected a part of personality that I see in her. The baby represents innocense. So, in this case, it could be my on spirituality that I am rejecting. For instance, Missy has always been the most spiritual person that I know. Where I tend to be dark, she tends to be light. However, she is also the most intelligent and successful woman that I know. I do realize that I have a tendency to reject my intelligence and I sabbotage my own success in life. Hmm…. I will have to think on this one.

A broken down car often represents that you are experiencing anxiety and fear in your life. Therefore, this could be that I am always too afraid to succeed in life. I am afraid that being successful will crastically change the life that I have grown so very comfortable with.

Watching football often means that you have found satisfaction with your work. Well, this is contradictary of most of the rest of the dream. Isn’t it? I do feel a sense of satisfaction when I write, so could this mean this is where my future success lies? The only other time that I felt very proud of my life was when I was a drum major in high school. Sheree was also a drum major when we were in middle school, and we were the best of friends. Again, another successful friend.

The type of store that you dream about determines the analysis of the shopping dream. In this instance, shopping is symbolic of my choices, needs, and desires. Shopping for clothes signafies that you are looking for a new image. So, shopping for 80s clothes could mean that I feel that I have lost myself and need to get back to who I truly am.

So, the motorcycles signifies a longing for freedom and adventure. Yeah! I get that.

The lie signifies that I am hiding my natural instincts.

What this comes down to is that there is a part of me that I have long since abandoned. I miss that girl that I used to be. I was once so very proud and very successful in every aspect. However, I grew up, and life happened. Although I love to play the bad girl, I continue to be that little self conscious little nerd girl that longs for success and freedom. I am just too afraid that my life will change too much if I take the person I used to be back into my life. 
